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CESA performs its First complete mounting of the A400M Engines

Last October, CESA performed its first complete mounting of four A400M engines at its maintenance centre at the Iberia facilities in La Muñoza. The aircraft on which the activity was performed was an RAF (Royal Air Force) MSN026. This activity was contracted by Airbus, which currently performs maintenance works both at the MRO in Getafe and at La Muñoza, and constitutes a milestone in CESA’s Services Management and MRO.

For CESA, which has great experience in work and customer support on the A400M engines, this new milestone constitutes both a recognition of their work and responsibility and an opportunity to continue growing and strengthening their position in the market. It also consolidates CESA as a strategic supplier for Airbus and their end-clients by securing its position as an Entry to Services supplier, opens a new market and enables the service levels and certifications necessary to remain in such a competitive market to be secured.

The work performed was possible as a result of the proven experience of the company, which performed its first missions abroad in 2009 by providing ADS support to their clients. Since then, CESA has been present in the following scenarios, where it has successfully completed more than 100 campaigns:

2009 First external support for FTC A400M in Toulouse
          Work on A400M test bench at the Morón Air Base.
2010 Permanently deployed staff in Toulouse for work on the FTC.
2011 Quick Engine Change in León.
          High-Altitude campaigns in La Paz, Bolivia.
2012 Quick Engine Change in Oman.
          Hard-landing and unpaved runway tests at Zaragoza Air Base.
2013 Cold campaigns in Kiruna (Sweden) and Alaska.
         Hot-weather campaigns in Al Ain, UAE.
         Customer support at Clermont Ferrand Air Base in France.
         Permanently deployed staff at Orleans Air Base for FAF (2013-ongoing).
2014 QEC customer support in Kayseri (Turkey), Gander (Canada), Wünstorf (Germany) and Orleans (France) since 2014.
2015 Permanently deployed staff at Subang Air Base in Malaysia for RMAF (2015-ongoing).
         Work for DCM in Hamburg, Germany.
2016 Support work in Stade, Germany.
         Permanently deployed staff at Zaragoza Air Base for EA (2016-ongoing).

We would also like to highlight the professionalism of the staff deployed from Seville and Getafe, for which CESA’s client has conveyed their satisfaction and appreciation.


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cesa motores-a400m



HD SPAIN (CESA) leads the research project on Intelligent electrical control and actuation SYSTEMS through the development of Health Monitoring technologies for sustainable Aviation – I-SISTEHMA, whose objective is to investigate the technologies necessary for the development of intelligent electrical control and actuation systems, through the application of Health Monitoring (HM) techniques that allow the


CESA coordinates the European project NNEOS (Nacelle cowl NExt generation Opening System) as part of Clean Sky 2 program for R&D activities in the field of “Advanced Engine and Aircraft Configurations”. CESA is developing an innovative nacelle cowl opening system based on electromechanical actuation that will allow complete accessibility to the engine and nacelle components