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Projects developing under the framework of the “Factory of the future” or “Industry 4.0”, providing advantages in terms of optimization and efficiency. This concept applies new technologies to the design, maintenance, and manufacturing processes.

Flexible production systems leaning on reconfigurable modular production resources and associated engineering tools and control systems.

  • The partners in this project are IK4-TEKNIKER (España), RWTH Aachen University (Alemania), Cranfield University (Reino Unido), AIRBUS Operation SAS (Francia), Engineering-Ingenieria Informática SPA (Italia), Illogic Societa’a Respponsabilita’Limitata (Italia), CIAOTECH Srl (Italia) e Ingeniería de Automatización y Robótica KOMAT SL (España) y CESA (España).
  • Co-funded by the European Commission under the European Union’s horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Developing adaptive automation mechanisms for an efficient and flexible execution of tasks, ensuring a constant and safe human-machine interaction as well as advanced and personalised worker assistance systems including virtual/augmented reality and knowledge management capabilities to support them in the assembly and training related activities.

  • The partners in this project are IK4-TEKNIKER (España), RWTH Aachen University (Alemania), Cranfield University (Reino Unido), AIRBUS Operation SAS (Francia), Engineering-Ingenieria Informática SPA (Italia), Illogic Societa’a Respponsabilita’Limitata (Italia), CIAOTECH Srl (Italia) e Ingeniería de Automatización y Robótica KOMAT SL (España) y CESA (España).
  • Co-funded by the European Commission under the European Union’s horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Implementation of intelligent system into future production processes, making it more flexible, competitive, and productive. Main areas are Intelligent logistics and collaboration human-robot.

  • The partners in this project are DGH, Ibermática, Virtualware Group, Leytec, Contineal, Ficomirrors, CESA, Tecnalia, Tekniker, Universidad de Córdoba, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
  • Co-funded by the Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness through the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI).
  • Project’s file number: CDTI-CIEN: IDI-20150686

Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies for the Improvement of Training Processes in the Aeronautical Industry.

  • The partners in this project are CTIC and CESA
  • Co-funded by the Ministry of the Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda, as part the National Plant for Scientific Research, development and Technological Innovation, as well as by European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
  • Project’s file number: TSI-100600-20165-12